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Finding a Mediator Near Me

    Tarrant County Mediator

    Once couples have filed for divorce, one of the most difficult periods is the pain and anxiety while waiting for the case to go to trial. Unfortunately, the Judge’s trial docket might be backed up and the next possible trial date may be several months away. Also, trying to find a date or time when the judge and two trial lawyers are all available is a challenge. This lingering period of time of continuing to be married, once you have decided to get divorced, seems like an eternity.

    There is an answer. You might want to consider mediation. Mediation is the process where the parties agree to have a neutral third party help them reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Mediators are professionally trained, certified and licensed to improve communications between the parties in hopes of reaching an agreement. The mediation process is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) which is voluntary, private and faster than waiting for a trial date.

    Divorce Mediation

    Mediation is also less expensive than going to trial. Long battles and proceeding to trial will inevitably cost you more than trying to work things out through mediation. You will normally only have to pay for a one day mediation to resolve most divorce matters. Not only does this save you money but it gives you control over the outcome involving you and your children versus putting the decision in the hands of twelve jurors.


    Finally, mediations are private and confidential. Only you, your spouse, your respective attorneys and the mediator is privy to what goes on during the mediation. This is contrasted with being in open court with a judge, officers of the court, other attorneys and people being selected to serve as jurors in your case. The mediation setting is far more conducive to leading to the resolution of adversarial issues regarding child custody and support issues, marital property settlement agreements and spousal maintenance.

    Mediator Using Zoom – Tarrant County

      The Fetty Firm, P.C. understands that health and safety is tantamount. Having a Mediator in Texas that uses Zoom is important for adhering to covid protocols or personal preferences for safety.

      Rashelle Fetty with The Fetty Firm, P.C. can just as effortlessly guide you through your mediation.

      On Zoom, we are in the comforts of home or office. We see how we are each existing. Many experience a shared common bond seeing one another in a living room, home office, or seeing the family cat walk across the screen or hearing the bark of an at-home dog, the sounds of a child in the background, and so on. We all want COVID over. We share in recognizing our human frailty and limits. This humanizes the parties to the mediator and vice versa, and the parties to one another and to the attorneys— at least it often stands to do so.  Many are social distancing to the point that human contact is welcome more than when we could go and do more or less anything pre-COVID.   With the pandemic, many of us see few people for extended interpersonal exchange. When we do, it can be disarming, even cathartic, in some instances even with the opposition. At home or office, we have access to our preferred foods, choose perhaps more comfortable footwear that does not appear on screen, and have comforts we are used to.  This collectively can make burying a hatchet more palatable than at pre-COVID in-person mediations. 

      Tarrant County Zoom Divorce Mediator

      Additionally, Zoom  lends itself to a mediation format.  Just like actual rooms at a mediation center, parties attend in virtual rooms. A joint session can happen in one such room while breakout rooms keep parties separate. One feature enables any party to alert the mediator to return. The share-screen feature enables communication about a document or other item for review. A lot can be accomplished through one dynamic online format.

      Click SCHEDULE up above or give us a call to figure out what is best for you in terms of getting your mediation scheduled.

      Family Law Mediator – Tarrant County

        As of February 2022, Rashelle Fetty will be performing family law mediations both in person and via Zoom.

        While we do aggressively litigate disputes when necessary, we have found that in many situations,  mediation can be more peaceful, less expensive, and lead to a happier outcome for everyone involved. A great mediator helps negotiate and problem solve with all parties while remaining unbiased and neutral/focusing on the goals of the parties.

        We believe mediation can help resolve the issues in a divorce or other family dispute. Generally speaking, mediation offers a number of advantages, including:

        • You and your spouse, along with your lawyers, may be able to create a settlement that is tailored specifically to each person’s needs. In litigation, a judge will be required to follow specific laws when deciding your case. In addition, the judge only knows the facts of your case, and not you as a person. In mediation, you, along with your spouse, can develop a plan that addresses every part of your divorce.
        • We have found that mediation, often provides greater peace and closure than does litigation.

        Call today to schedule Rashelle Fetty as your family law mediator so that you can start working on finding a way to problem solve all of your family’s issues without having to go before a judge.

        Avoid Probate in Texas

          How can property be owned to avoid the need for probate after a person dies?

          Think of the word “probate” as meaning “transfer of title.”  There are several ways that property can be owned so that property automatically goes to the family or to a co-owner when a person dies without having to file a court application for probate.

          What is property in Texas?

          There are two basic kinds of property. A person can have personal property or real property.  Personal property includes “things” such as a car, furniture, jewelry, clothes, or even a bank account. Real property means land and includes land that has buildings on it, like a person’s house. Real property also includes mineral interests.

          Property is either separate property or community property. Separate property is owned by an unmarried person or is owned by a person before being married. A gift or inheritance to a married person is separate property. Community property is acquired by a married person during the marriage.

          The total amount of property a person owns is called the estate. The community estate of a married couple is owned by both persons. In other words, each spouse owns one half of the community estate. When a married person dies, only one half of the community estate can be given away because the other half is still owned by the living spouse. The spouse that has died (called the decedent) could own a separate estate in addition to one-half of the community estate.

          The following is a list of how property can be owned:

          • Separate property
          • Joint ownership (sometimes called joint tenancy)
          • Joint ownership with right of survivorship
          • Payable on death
          • Life estate
          • Community property
          • Community property with right of survivorship

          Can a married person still have separate property?

          Yes. Property owned before a marriage is separate property. Property that is given as a gift to or that is inherited by a married person is also separate property.

          What if a person dies without a will?

          If a person dies without a will, the law decides how property is divided. The person who has died is called the decedent.  When a married person dies, the person’s living spouse is called the surviving spouse.

          For example, if a married person dies without a will, the law says the decedent’s community property goes to the surviving spouse if:

          • The decedent had no children or other descendants;
          • All the decedent’s children are also the children of the surviving spouse;
          • If the decedent had children with more than one person, the surviving spouse keeps his or her one half of the community property and the children get the decedent’s one half of the community property.

          What if the person had a will?

          A valid will controls how a person’s estate is handled after the person dies. However, to change the title to some property, the will must be admitted to probate. This means that an application to admit the will for probate must be filed with the probate court where the person lived or died, or in the county where the property is located; and the probate judge must find that the will is valid. The cost to file an application in the probate court varies depending on the county. Most probate courts will not allow pro se litigants, which means that you must hire an attorney. This adds to the cost. To save money for their family, many people attempt to own property in a way that makes it unnecessary to probate the will. For example, if a married person dies, and the couple’s property is owned with right of survivorship, the property automatically goes to the surviving spouse.

          Can I avoid probate if I own real estate?

          Absolutely.  As of September 1, 2015, Texas law says that an owner can prepare a Transfer on Death Deed (TODD).  A TODD allows the owner, the

          transferor, to name a beneficiary who will receive the property described in the deed after the transferor has died.  The TODD must be recorded in the

          deed records of the county where the property is located prior to the transferor’s death.

          Can I continue living in my home after I execute a TODD?

          Yes.  Nothing changes as long as you, the transferor, is living.  You are still the full owner; which means that you must continue to maintain the property and pay the taxes unless you have deferred them.  You can even sell the property if you need to do so.  The beneficiary would receive nothing at the time of your death if the property has been sold.

          What if I have a will? How does a TODD affect my will?

          A TODD will rule; it governs over the will.  If your will states Property A goes to my daughter and the TODD names son as the beneficiary of Property A, son will be the new owner regardless of which of the two documents was executed first.  Property A’s title can transfer without the need for probate.

          Can a TODD be executed for any real estate?

          Real estate, with or without a mortgage, can be transferred at death when the owner properly drafts and records a TODD.  It is not limited to one’s homestead.

          What about premarital agreements?

          Persons who are planning to be married can prepare a written premarital agreement that says that certain property will remain separate property even after the marriage. Unless there is a will that states who will get the property, the property mentioned in the premarital agreement will not go to the surviving spouse.

          What is a joint tenancy?

          A joint tenancy means more than one person owns a certain item of property.  Both real property (land) and personal property (things) can be owned jointly.

          There are two kinds of joint tenancy. People can own property as joint tenants or as joint tenants with right of survivorship. In a joint tenancy, when one owner dies, his or her share of the property passes to the decedent’s heirs or to the persons named in the decedent’s will. In a joint tenancy with right of survivorship, when an owner dies, his or her share of the property goes to the other owners.

          A joint tenancy with right of survivorship has to be created by a written agreement.

          What about community property with right of survivorship?

          When a married person has children who are not the children of the surviving spouse, his or her half of the community property does not automatically go to the surviving spouse when the person dies. In Texas, a married couple can agree in writing that all or part of their community property will go to the surviving spouse when one person dies. This is called a right of survivorship agreement. The right of survivorship agreement must be filed with the county court records where the couple lives. This can be a way that married couples can see to it that all community property stated in the agreement automatically belongs to the surviving spouse without having to go to probate court.

          Read More »Avoid Probate in Texas

          Can you modify a custody order?

            Can you modify a child custody order in Texas?

            If your circumstances have changed, it is possible to modify a child custody order.

            If you are divorced and have children, you know that the custody order determines who has custody of the children. However, you may believe that the order is set in stone, even if it no longer is feasible. Fortunately, this is not the case in Texas, as many of life’s events such as job relocation can serve as the basis to ask a court to modify a child custody order. Additionally, orders may be changed if there are other changes in circumstances where the current order no longer reflects the child’s best interests.

            When orders may be modified

            Under Texas law, either parent may file a petition seeking child custody modification anytime. The petition must be filed in the court that granted the divorce, unless the child has moved. If this has happened, the case may be transferred to the court in the child’s new county.

            Depending on whether there is agreement between the parties, the modification process can be quite swift. If both parents agree that there is a need to modify the order, all that needs to be done is to submit a proposed custody order reflecting the changes to the court. The court will then review the modification and approve it in most cases. Once the order has been approved, it becomes legally enforceable.

            In cases where the parents do not agree on the need to modify the order, the modification process is lengthier, as both parents need to go in front of a judge to modify the order. Under the law, the parent that wishes to modify the order must demonstrate that:

            • The child is 12 years old and wishes to change the primary caregiver; or

            • There has been a change in circumstances that is material and substantial; and

            • The proposed changes to the order would serve the child’s best interests.

            If the child is under 12 years old or does not wish to change the primary caregiver, the order cannot be modified unless the change in circumstances has been material and substantial. Courts in Texas have interpreted this requirement to include:

            • Changes in marital status of the parents

            • Job relocations

            • Unemployment

            • Medical conditions

            • Abuse or neglect of the child by either parent

            • Substance abuse

            In all cases, the court will not modify the custody order unless the changes reflect the best interests of the child. In determining whether the proposed order meets this standard, courts consider many factors such as the child’s needs, wishes (if he or she is old enough to express them) and relationship to each parent.

            Can The Fetty Firm Help Me?

            Yes, we can! If you are ready to seek a family law attorney, visit our law firm. Rashelle Fetty is the best attorney in Colleyville as well as the sole attorney at this firm. She is highly qualified and can bring her expertise to your court hearing. She represents clients for family law issues and could become your savior in this situation.

            You may not be well-versed in the ins and outs of the legal system, but Ms. Fetty is. She has been working in the legal field since 2008, which makes her experience range over a decade, so you can count on years of experience! Rashelle grew up in Enid, Oklahoma and went to college at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Clients are her first priority and they can feel the difference her attention makes.


            Rashelle Fetty is a Board Certified Family Law Attorney

            There are many aspects of family law. Here is a list of the family law matters that The Fetty Firm covers.

            • Adoption
            • Child Support
            • Child Custody
            • Divorce
            • Enforcement of/Modification of Orders
            • Spousal Support
            • Termination of Parental Rights

            There may be many irresponsible attorneys who are seeking to profit from this potentially painful situation. Representing clients sympathetically and effectively should be their focus. You deserve the best family law attorneys available to you.


            How Do I Contact The Fetty Firm?

            The Fetty Firm

            It sounds like you are ready to proceed. You can call today to schedule a consultation with Ms. Fetty, at (214)-546-5746. If you would like to email instead, you can send your message to Thank you for your time and consideration.

            Take the next steps to alter your life for the better. You’ve found the TX Child Custody Lawyer and it’s time to set off!

            What is a revocable trust? What is a pourover will?

              Thank you for trusting The Fetty Firm, P.C. to help guide you in your decision to work on estate planning. It is not an easy decision to make to start researching what needs to happen should something unfortunate pop up.

              Below you will learn about pourover wills and living, revocable trusts.

              A pour-over will is yet another estate planning option that further ensures the protection of your assets. If you’ve established a trust, or plan to start one, you might want to consider adding a pour-over will.  The Fetty Firm can help you create both.

              Some individuals deliberately choose not to place all their assets into their trust all at once. Other individuals might simply forget to do so, or run out of time. All of these are likely scenarios in which a pour-over will add a layer of protection.

              What is a Pour-Over Will?

              A pour-over will is a type of will that names your living trust as the beneficiary of any and all assets. Upon your death, any assets not already owned by your trust are “poured over” into it. Pour-over wills provide a safety net to ensure that any assets that you might have left out (either accidentally or on purpose) are transferred into your trust when you pass away. Unfortunately, any assets that are poured over must go through probate because they won’t have been already owned by your trust before your death.


              What is a Revocable Trust?

              A revocable trust is a type of trust that can be revoked, modified, or updated if needed. It’s a favorable option if you want to establish a living trust, and foresee the need to make changes or prefer having flexibility. This is as opposed to an irrevocable trust, which does not allow any changes to be made.

              Pour-Over Will and Revocable Trust – Do I Need Both?

              A pour-over will and revocable trust work in tandem, so you will need both if you’d like for your pour-over will to work. If you don’t plan to establish a living trust, or if everything you own is already placed in a trust, you might not need a pour-over will. It’s still a good option to know about as it’s worth your consideration.

              Setting up a pour-over will is a great tool to implement if you have a revocable trust. By doing so, you can rest assured that any assets not already owned by the trust will automatically transfer over at the time of your passing. However, keep in mind that these assets will have to go through probate first. Because of this, it’s best to place all of your assets into your trust now, unless you have a good reason not to. Bottom line, a pour-over will should be treated like a safety net that adds reassurance.


              The Fetty Firm, P.C.

              7137 Colleyville Boulevard,
              Suite 101
              Colleyville, TX 76034
              (214) 546-5746

              Termination of Parental Rights

                Termination of Parental Rights in Texas

                Are you a parent who has to deal with a TX Termination Of Parental Rights issue? Call The Fetty Firm if you want the best representation in court. No matter which side you stand on in the difficult case, The Fetty Firm can assist you through the legal process of terminating the rights of a parent or avoiding rights termination. Usually, these types of cases are as complex as they are difficult.

                Even if you wish to give up your parents right voluntarily, you should still hire a Texas family law attorney to ensure that your decision is legally valid. If the court is attempting to terminate your parental rights, you need a strong defense to support your case. In many circumstances, the courts may be able to find an alternative solution. If you want to retain parental rights over the legal, medical, and educational decision of your child, you might have to fight your case in court. However, an experienced attorney can make a large difference in the outcome.

                Colleyville TX Termination Of Parental Rights

                We can assist you in child custody cases and maintain your parent-child relationship!

                What Is A Termination Of Parental Rights?

                When parental rights are terminated, the individual no longer has the capability to make decisions on behalf of the child. Furthermore, the parent is not obligated to provide for the child once he or she has terminated parental rights. There are two methods of terminating parental rights: voluntary and involuntary.

                Voluntary Termination

                A parent may wish to terminate his or her parental rights for one of several reasons. For example, the individual may currently be required to pay child support for a child that is not biologically theirs. Instead of shirking child support payments and dealing with severe penalties later, a parent can terminate his or her right and with it, terminate the obligation to pay child support. Some parents also terminate parental rights when they believe that they are unfit to serve as the child’s guardian. Rather than make a series of unfair decisions that put the child’s welfare at risk, the parent may terminate his or her rights. That way, the child can be under the guardianship of a more suitable caretaker. Additionally, the parent will prevent the need for an involuntary termination or a criminal case arising from negative parenting decisions.

                Another reason that a person may terminate their rights to parent a child has to do with adoption. In fact, termination is often required in order for the child to be adopted by another guardian. Terminating parental rights can ensure potential adoptive parents that the birth parent won’t change their minds about the adoption. Furthermore, if the parent does change their mind, they are legally limited in regards to retaliatory actions they can take. The biological parent can’t run away with their child that they gave up for adoption or make decisions for the child without the adoptive parent’s consent.

                Colleyville TX Termination Of Parental Rights

                TX Termination Of Parental Rights Attorney

                Involuntary Termination

                That being said, the court may revoke a parent’s right to make decisions for their child. If this happens, the parent has been deemed by a judge to be unfit to parent. Sometimes, a parent may have tried to retain parental right but they were revoked due to the parent’s actions or behaviors, such as substance abuse issues. However, these cases are not clear-cut. Sometimes, spiteful ex-spouses try to paint a negative picture of their child’s parent, in order to obtain sole custody. If you believe that it is in your child’s best interest that you retain your parental rights, you can fight your case in court.

                Depending on the reasons for termination, your case may vary in terms of difficulty. No matter how obvious it seems to you that you’re fit to parent your child, you need an attorney. Don’t risk your parental rights by relying on the judge’s common sense or your own great debate skills. Instead, call The Fetty Firm. We can weigh your options and figure out how we can help you.

                As you can see, termination can prevent legal consequences arises from unwise parenting decisions. If you don’t intend to properly care for a child for their entire childhood, you may benefit from a voluntary termination agreement. The Fetty Firm can explain the regulations and process in more detail before you proceed with termination. For one, you must prove that the voluntary termination is in the best interest of the child, and not solely because you seek to avoid legal consequences. The termination should serve the child, not the parent.

                Why Would The Court Terminate My Rights?

                The reasons for voluntary termination are numerous, but they all must meet the same qualification. In order to successfully terminate your parental rights voluntarily, you must prove that doing so would be in the child’s best interest. Similarly, the court orders involuntary termination on behalf of the child’s welfare. If a court seeks to terminate your parental rights, it is because the judge believes that you are incapable of making good decisions to keep your child safe. Possible explanations for involuntary termination include abuse, neglect, abandonment, criminal behavior, or a dangerous physical or mental environment. Additionally, if you refuse to support the minor child or an adult child who has a mental or physical limitation that prohibits them from caring for themselves, your rights may be terminated.

                Even if someone believes that your child isn’t in an ideal living situation, that doesn’t mean that your rights will necessarily be terminated. The courts will review all convincing evidence before making a decision. Everyone involved wants to do what’s best for your child, but first, we must discover what that means.

                Colleyville TX Termination Of Parental Rights

                Termination of Parental Rights

                Call Us!

                If your child’s other parent is unsuitable in your opinion, we can fight to terminate their parental rights. On that same note, we will fight to help you retain your rights if someone wrongfully accused you of abuse or are getting out of a bad situation. Call The Fetty Firm law office at (214) 546-5746 to learn more about how we can help you deal with this stressful TX Termination of Parental Rights matter. Alternatively, you can contact us at any time using our online form. Let us know how we can help you.

                Tarrant County Family Law Attorney

                  Tarrant County Family Law Attorney

                  If you are in need of an experienced and knowledgeable Tarrant County Divorce Lawyer, then you should definitely contact The Fetty Firm, P.C. With years of experience in Texas law, we are great at representing clients when dealing with difficult times such as divorce cases, divorce and child custody, estate planning, property division, custody child support, and other types of legal services. Family law attorney has the experience necessary to ensure that our clients receive high-quality legal representation. In addition, we place great importance on providing personal, attentive legal support. Our Texas attorney will work diligently to ensure that every client receives the best results possible.

                  The Fetty Firm’s sole attorney and owner, Rashelle Fetty, has been in the legal field for over a decade. Her case experience has helped countless clients in a wide range of legal cases. Rashelle attended college at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. During her time at ODU, Rashelle played division 1 golf and gained her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Ms. Fetty attended law school at Regent University School of Law in Virginia Beach, Virginia. She completed her studies at Texas Wesleyan School of Law. Rashelle passed her Texas Bar Exam in 2013 and went on to start The Fetty Firm shortly thereafter.

                  Great Colleyville TX Divorce Lawyer

                  Rashelle Fetty is an experienced  TX Divorce Lawyer

                  Experienced and Dedicated  TX Divorce Lawyer

                  When filing for a divorce, you should never compromise on the quality of legal services you are obtaining. A divorce is a delicate and important matter, and it should be treated as such. Luckily for clients, Rashelle has been in the legal field since 2008 and loves to learn more about her field. Her experience in practicing law include helping clients with cases such as family law, estate planning, child custody, child support, modification of family law orders, enforcement of family law orders, adoption, drafting trusts and wills, heirship proceedings, independent administration of estates, muniment of title, and smalle estate proceedings.

                  Above all, The Fetty Firm is an excellent choice for clients who are in all types of situations, and with all types of legal needs. One of the things we like to emphasize is the fact that our clients receive big firm results with small firm customer service. When you choose The Fetty Firm, you are betting on a quality law office with a great work ethic. For Rashelle, clients are always the first priority, and they can be sure to fell the difference that personal attention makes. Call today and learn more about our legal services and how we can help you.

                  We Can Help You with Your Particular Tarrant County Divorce Case

                  Just like many other aspects of life, marriages don’t always last. In some cases, a divorce case can be complex, painful, and a very stressful process. So when you find yourself in need of a quality divorce attorney in Tarrant County, you should definitely contact The Fetty Firm. With Rashelle Fetty, you’ll have a dedicated attorney ready to advocate for you and your family’s best interests. In addition, we’ll work diligently and extensively to ensure you get the best divorce settlement possible.

                  Legal assistance different types of divorce cases

                  Experienced Family Law Services for all types of divorce cases

                  The Fetty Firm has helped clients with many cases, including those who involve child custody, child support, spousal support, modification, division of property, and other family law cases. Our consultation office and services focus on your needs and your case. We know how important family is, and as a result, you’ll experience great care and excellent representation from start to finish.

                  Our extensive knowledge of Texas Family Law and related cases has allowed us to assists countless clients. We can help you with the following family-related issues:

                  • Comprehensive divorce planning
                  • Both uncontested and contested divorce cases
                  • Either high-asset/high net worth divorce cases
                  • Divorce-related financial issues such as establishing financial stability, bankruptcy, or dividing assets and debts
                  • Legal marriage annulment
                  • Support orders and modifications
                  • Temporary orders
                  • Assistance with appealing court orders
                  • Relocation after divorce
                  • Postnuptial/prenuptial agreements
                  • Military divorce
                  • Various cases of paternity tests
                  • And Protective Orders

                  Divorce in the State of Texas

                  There are certain things that clients should keep in mind when filing for divorce in the state of Texas. Please note that this is just a general overview and that each case will vary in its own way. As always, feel free to contact the divorce lawyer at The Fetty Firm to ensure you get answers to all the questions you have regarding your particular divorce case.

                  Law Firm for Divorce cases

                  Experienced and Vastly Knowledgeable Law Firm

                  In Texas, grounds for divorce include adultery, three years of confinement for incurable insanity, felony conviction and imprisonment for over a year, inhumane and cruel treatment, and insupportability. In Texas, most divorces are filed under the grounds of insupportability, which is also referred to as grounds of irreconcilable differences. Additionally, you should also be aware that divorce cases can mean:

                  • Possibly lengthy processes. In some cases, a divorce can be wrapped up in 2-3 months. However, other cases can take as long as 18-24 months. The length of each case will depend on factors such as the complexities of a case and the level of disagreement.
                  • Courts in Texas do not recognize legal separation. Therefore, whatever debt or property you acquired during the duration of the marriage will still be regarded as community debt and property.
                  • The best course of action when dealing with divorce cases is to consult with experienced attorneys. With Rashelle Fetty, you’ll have an attorney with extensive knowledge and experience.

                  We Can Help with Other Family Law Cases

                  In addition to our great divorce case services, we also deal with other types of family law cases. So whether you are filing for divorce or hoping to adopt, The Fetty Firm is here to help. Additionally, thanks to our small size, we’re able to give clients the individual, personal, and attentive service they deserve. Even more, we’ll do our absolute best to use or experience and knowledge to give you the best results possible. By choosing The Fetty Firm, you’ll give yourself a great chance of getting a comprehensive and positive settlement for your case.

                  Contact Us

                  If you want to ensure your case is properly handled, your best bet would be to contact The Fetty Firm at your earliest convenience. You can contact us by calling (214) 546-5746. Moreover, you can learn more about our great Tarrant County Family Law Attorney by clicking here.

                  Tarrant County Child Custody Attorney

                    Tarrant County Child Custody

                    Looking for a TX Child Custody Lawyer? You have come to the right place. Check out the information and see if it helps during this difficult time. We can provide you with the best child support attorney available to you.

                    Can The Fetty Firm Help Me?

                    Yes, we can! If you are ready to seek a family law attorney, visit our law firm. Rashelle Fetty is the best attorney in Colleyville as well as the sole attorney at this firm. She is highly qualified and can bring her expertise to your court hearing. She represents clients for family law issues and could become your savior in this situation.

                    You may not be well-versed in the ins and outs of the legal system, but Ms. Fetty is. She has been working in the legal field since 2008, which makes her experience range over a decade, so you can count on years of experience! Rashelle grew up in Enid, Oklahoma and went to college at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Clients are her first priority and they can feel the difference her attention makes.

                    Texas Child Custody Factors

                    Let’s look at the laws

                    In the state of  Texas, child custody is called “conservatorship”. Child custody battles will require the use of the courts. If you and the other parent can agree on a schedule, all they will need to do is approve a written agreement. If you two cannot agree, a family law judge will have to decide the terms.

                    One of the parents will be designated the primary conservator, therefore the person who decides the primary residence of the child. There are many factors which help to decide who the primary conservator should be, such as;

                    • Who feeds your child
                    • Bathes your child
                    • Gets the child ready for school
                    • Takes or pick up the child from school or daycare
                    • Scheduled and attended the child’s doctors appointments
                    • Attended school activities
                    • Participated in extra-curricular and homework activities
                    • Etc.

                    This may also raise the question of what else matters in a child custody case. See the list below.

                    • The child’s desires
                    • The physical and emotional needs of the child in both the present and the future
                    • The potential danger to the child
                    • The respective parental abilities of both parents
                    • Stability of the home environment
                    • Each parent’s plans for the child’s future
                    • Evidence of domestic violence, sexual assault, etc.
                    • Whether or not either parent has filed false child abuse reports

                    Regardless of the court’s decision, the joint parent will be required to pay child support to the primary parent until the child is 18 years of age.

                    Your Requirements

                    If you and your partner are divorcing, Texas courts will require you to take a parenting class before granting a divorce. This requirement is meant to help your children, as well as you, deal with the potential trauma of the divorce. You have the option of completing this course online.

                    You have to be able to provide the child with a place to stay whether you are the primary or joint conservator. Some federal standards include cleanliness, running water, electricity, and the like. You will likely have a court representative make home visits or look into your finances to determine whether or not you are a competent caretaker.

                    Any history of domestic abuse will hinder your parental rights. Similarly, a history of sexual assault. If you or someone you intend to cohabitate with is a registered sex offender, you are required to notify the court and the other parent. How this affects your case will be up to the judge and what your charges were.

                    If you are in prison, probation, or parole, you are not entitled to child visitation. This is left up to the court and the other parent, once again.

                    The Fetty Firm Practices Family Law

                    There are many aspects of family law

                    There are many aspects of family law. Here is a list of the family law matters that The Fetty Firm covers.

                    • Adoption
                    • Child Support
                    • Child Custody
                    • Divorce
                    • Enforcement of/Modification of Orders
                    • Spousal Support
                    • Termination of Parental Rights

                    There may be many irresponsible attorneys who are seeking to profit from this potentially painful situation. Representing clients sympathetically and effectively should be their focus. You deserve the best family law attorneys available to you.

                    Situations That Call For A Law Firm

                    To move on, let’s look at some examples of situations that may be similar to yours. It can be helpful to take a glance at some hypotheticals. Also, we know life isn’t always clear-cut. Because of this, we want to help you to the best of our ability.

                    Julia is married with two children. She has reported domestic abuse and is trying to separate both herself and her children from her husband. If possible, she wants to prevent her husband from seeing their children. He has the intent to fight her in court. This is an unfortunate reality that many women and children face. Julia needs a law firm on her side, who understands the situation and will do their best to help Julia and her kids escape.

                    Keith and his girlfriend, Lucy, break up after 10 years of living together. Lucy had children prior to them meeting, but Keith participated in raising them for 10 years and very much wants them in his life. While he is not their legal parent or guardian, he petitions the court for custody. He and Lucy reach a written agreement their attorney can help them put together.

                    Mary is the birth mother in an open adoption with extenuating circumstances. She wants to seek out visitation rights for her child, but the child’s adoptive parents are not cooperating. Given that her parental rights were legally terminated, she is unsure about what steps she can take. She should seek representation.

                    How Do I Contact The Fetty Firm?

                    It sounds like you are ready to proceed. You can call today to schedule a consultation with Ms. Fetty, at (214)-546-5746. If you would like to email instead, you can send your message to Thank you for your time and consideration. You can also visit the firm website here. 

                    Take the next steps to alter your life for the better. You’ve found the Colleyville TX Child Custody Lawyer and it’s time to set off!

                    Child Custody in Texas – What are my rights?

                      As parents, we all want what’s best for our children. Understandably, we are going to make every effort to give what we feel is best. That’s why child custody is one of the most challenging aspects of divorce.

                      The litigation process is extensive, lengthy, and quite frankly, difficult. Generally, it is best that you hire a family law attorney that has extensive knowledge of Texas child custody law.

                      Experienced Colleyville child custody lawyer Rashelle Fetty understands what you are going through. You want to make the best decision to ensure your child’s welfare. Rashelle Fetty and the Fetty Firm’s goal for each child custody case is to ensure that the rights of your child and your rights as a parent are protected.

                      Knowing your options

                      Rashelle Fetty will advise you of the types of custody that are available as your child custody lawyer. She will explain each option thoroughly. In short, there are four custody options available: joint, sole, temporary, and split.

                      Joint Custody

                      Joint custody, which is the preference of many Texas courts, is where both parents are awarded custody of the child. Joint custody is further broken down into three types:

                      • Joint legal custody, which means that both parents have the legal right to make decisions for the child.
                      • Share physical custody, which is the event that the child has two legal residences.
                      • Combination of joint legal and physical custody, in which determined by numerous factors. Please consult with Rashelle Fetty and the Fetty Firm for examples as to how this may work.

                      Sole Custody

                      Sole custody is when one parent has both legal and physical custody of the child. All decisions pertaining to upbringing, education, health care, and other matters rest with parent with full legal custody. The child lives full time with the parent who has physical custody of the child.

                      Temporary Custody

                      Temporary custody is often the first step of child custody litigation, and it refers to where the child will be residing at the start of the process. The court will decide based upon the child’s best interest. This is only a short-term arrangement.

                      Split Custody

                      This differs from the types of custody listed above and typically involves two or more children. The court may decide to award full physical custody of one or more children to one parent, however neither parent has full custody of all the children. This arrangement may be based on numerous factors, such as the child’s age, where the children wish to live, and other factors.

                      Child custody is a very complex process and to ensure that your child’s rights and your rights are protected, you must contact an experienced child custody lawyer. Consult with The Fetty Firm today.